November 14, 2003

Essay on anti-sematism

here bq. While Israel built up an entire country from the ground of a desert land, the Palestinians still sat in flimsy tents, drinking out of the same dirty cups which belonged to their fathers, obeying the same tribal principles which had never created them anything but inter-tribal strife, and listening to the same stories told of how they were once a great nation, which they had never been. The Arab world looked to Israel with seething jealousy and saw the only thing they could do; the only thing they had ever done when Jews were successful; the only thing that Europeans have done whenever Jews were successful. They chose yet again to kill it. And because Europe was in a decline of power, and the European economic state in ruins, they hopped along as well. They were old friends in that hatred; they have shared it so many times together. Read the whole thing... Posted by DaveH at November 14, 2003 11:44 AM