Oh just put a sock in it will you Mikey???
Kevin Aylward at
Wizbang has found out that:
bq. The poster-boy for angry Hollywood liberalism doesn't want to stop trying to "help."
Coming Soon! reports:
Michael Moore tells Variety he met with Harvey Weinstein and they plan to start working now on Fahrenheit 9/111/2. "We want to get cameras rolling now and have it ready in two-three years," Moore told columnist Army Archerd.
"We want to document and commercialize it," added Moore, "Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them. They weren't told the truth. We're communicators and it's up to us to start doing it now. The official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining -- George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again."
The issues (for the next film) have not changed because of the election. "They are Iraq and terrorism."
bq. Let see... the 2004 election was "stolen" from Kerry, al Quada terrorists were warm and cuddly until Bush attacked them, bin Laden is an elder Arab statesman, etc... I can see it now...
bq. Also, the "
Michael Moore Hates America" DVD is available for pre-order and should ship in time to make a great Christmas present. Order details, for the movie Ebert and Roeper give Two Thumbs Up!, available
He is an entertainer and his market is the moonbat left -- he preaches to their choir and they lap it up without bothering to fact-check because he is just repeating the same discredited memes that they get from their own "un-biased" sources... What a maroon!
Posted by DaveH at November 11, 2004 2:18 PM