March 18, 2005

Unintended Consequences -- a pair of posts

Denny at Grouchy Old Cripple posted this photo from a friend that sums up what is wrong in the Middle East and Europe today:

He accompanied this photo with a comment about the French Nuclear Carrier Charles De Gaulle
Neither will the French. Think about an aircraft carrier that doesn't leave port and an airport building that collapses. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Anyway, Rob at Gut Rumbles took this idea and fleshed out the history behind it and found an unintended consequence:
If you're a Muslim (or French), look at that picture and ask "Why?"

Never mind. You're probably so soaked in denial that you won't contemplate the truth. Americans walked on the moon because we had the imagination to do it, the courage to do it and the brains to do it. You people don't. That's one of the REAL reasons that you hate us so much. Pure envy.

The Muslims fucked up centuries ago when they finally succeeded in conquering Constantinople. That clever operation removed the last Christian obstacle in their way and solidified the Ottoman Empire, but it also cut the Spice Road from east to west and led to Age of Exploration. Talk about the law of Unintended Consequences.

Thanks to the fall of Constantinople, people started heading WEST in search of a new route to India and the Far East. That exploration eventually led to the founding of the United States. So I suppose, in a strange way, we have Islam to thank for that picture of a US flag on the moon.

We never could have done it without you.
In the days following 9/11, the Left started asking "why do they hate us so much". What prompted me to switch from Left to Conservative Libertarian was that the Left was only looking for answers that meshed with their pre-programmed "America is bad" and "Multi-Culturalism is good" mind-set. The fact that a culture could be pathological and hate-filled was not anything they could comprehend. I lost some people I thought were close friends but I look at their intolerance of accepting someone else's view as an indication that they were not the kinds of friends I wanted to have to begin with. In our community, we have all sorts of hippies, loggers, environmentalists, people living here 'cause it's cheap, people living here 'cause the scenery is gorgeous... Everyone gets along and we all tolerate each others views. Not so in the Liberal bastion of Seattle it seems... Posted by DaveH at March 18, 2005 9:18 PM | TrackBack
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