March 9, 2007

It all starts with a Rabbit - fun at work

From the Boston Herald:
Mo. man shares golf cart with bobcat
It’s best not to get between a predator and its prey - especially when they’re in the passenger seat of your golf cart.

Water plant worker Mitch Walter would offer that bit of advice and bears the scratches of one who speaks from experience.

As Walter was inspecting the Cape Rock Water Treatment Plant property Tuesday night, a rabbit leaped into his golf cart - followed by a 25-pound bobcat. The rabbit then jumped back out, leaving Walter alone with a large, frightened feline.

"The cat went from a sleek predator after fast food to a ball of fur trying to jump through the windshield of the golf cart," Walter said.

Walter received scratches on his neck while shoving the bobcat out, necessitating a round of rabies shots, but was otherwise unhurt.
That would leave me a bit rattled -- imagine thirty pounds of pissed-off cat in your lap... Posted by DaveH at March 9, 2007 4:21 PM | TrackBack
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