May 7, 2009

A nice essay on the whole Climate Change hoo-ha

From the Springfield, Il State Journal-Register:
In My View: Climate emergency is overstated
Al Gore should be ashamed that he equated cap-and-trade legislation with civil rights legislation. Civil rights legislation was used to give equal rights to those who had been oppressed and abused and to allow them economic freedom and democracy. Cap and trade will take away rights and punish everyone economically.

Here are some questions the media and the congressmen should ask Gore, but probably won’t:
Why won’t you debate scientists who believe that humans do not cause global warming? How was the Earth much warmer millions of years ago, 1,000 years ago, 700 years ago, etc. before the use of fossil fuels? How come the warmest decade in the United States is the 1930s during the Great Depression if rising CO2 and human activity cause warming?

Did the New York Times, other media and the scientists report in the 1920s that the ice caps were melting? Did the media and scientists report and predict in the 1970s that there was an ice age coming? If they were so wrong then why should we believe them now?

Did the computer models you use predict the current 10-year cooling period? If you can’t predict temperatures, storm activity and other factors six months out, why should we trust your 100-year predictions?

Hasn’t plant life thrived because of rising CO2? Isn’t the reason rain forests have been destroyed because humans tore them down to produce biofuels because of the environmentalists? Temperatures and CO2 have had nothing to do with the destruction of rain forests, have they? Haven’t the Earth and people thrived the last 140 years because of fossil fuels? Hasn’t the quality of life and length of life improved?

Cap and trade has proven in Europe to be a scam and has not reduced pollution so why do you want it here? You and Bill Clinton were in office for eight years and you did not push cap-and-trade legislation. Why? Didn’t Congress essentially vote down Kyoto in 1998 by 98-1?

What has changed since 1998 to say we are in a dire emergency other than the United States has cooled and hurricane activity the last few years has been lower than the previous 40? Isn’t the air cleaner and the water safer than any time in recent history? Did a judge in England show that your book was factually incorrect on many items? Why haven’t you corrected the record? If you truly believe that human activity and fossil fuels are destroying the Earth, why do you have four large houses, fly in private jets and drive SUVs? Doesn’t it actually show that you are disingenuous at best and the main purpose of your propaganda is to make yourself and others rich?
Inconvenient Truths indeed... Posted by DaveH at May 7, 2009 7:43 PM | TrackBack
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