August 12, 2009

Daniel Hannan on British health care and what it means for us in the USA

Sobering bit of video even if you know what things are like in countries with socialized health care.
I was listening to the radio this afternoon and they were talking with a French family who was living in the US. The Grandmother fell into a coma. In France you are given one week of life support and then you are unplugged. Patients in France have to pay 50% of all of their treatment costs -- there is private insurance available but not all people can afford it. Interesting bit of information, the British National Health Service is the third largest employer in the world after Chinese National Army and the Indian National Railroad system. There are more Bureaucrats than there are Doctors and Nurses. There are so many people working for NHS that the voting bloc does not allow it to be disbanded... Posted by DaveH at August 12, 2009 8:20 PM