December 22, 2009

A look at what climate can do - cold kills

A story from Europe -- from the UK Guardian:
European weather deaths pass 100
More than 100 people have been killed in the cold snap across Europe, with temperatures plummeting and snowfall causing chaos from Moscow to Milan.

In Poland, where temperatures have dropped to as low as -20C in some areas, police appealed for tip-offs about people spotted lying around outside. At least 42 people, most of them homeless, died over the weekend.

In Ukraine 27 people have frozen to death since the thermometer dropped last week. Authorities in Romania said 11 people had succumbed to the chill, and in the Czech Republic the toll was 12. In Germany, where temperatures have fallen to -33C in certain parts, at least seven people are known to have lost their lives in the freezing weather.
What harm would a few degrees more warmth do? It would open up huge swaths of land in Russia and Canada for agriculture, navigation through the Northwest and Northeast passage would cut the cost of shipping. Sea-level rise is negligible -- some tropical islands are sinking. CO2 is only minimally related to greenhouse effect -- water vapor, methane and CFCs have a much greater effect. To hamstring global economies over something that has already been proven erroneous is lunacy. Posted by DaveH at December 22, 2009 9:08 PM
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