March 30, 2010

To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time - Al Sharpton

Going back to the story of Representative John Lewis being called a N*gger as he walked through a group of Tea-Party protesters. He announced the affront and said that he wished there was a video. A lot of videos surfaced -- none of which had the N-word. Even Jesse Jackson Jr. was photographed holding a camcorder:
So of course, Jesse Jackson Sr.'s old buddy the Reverend Al Sharpton has to weigh in:
I've seen the tape... Yeah, right... From Gateway Pundit:
Liar Al Sharpton on Bogus Black Caucus Tea Party Attack: “I’ve Seen the Tape”
Liar and race hustler Al Sharpton told Bill O’Reilly tonight that he’s seen the non-existent tape that reportedly shows Tea Party Protesters calling Black Caucus Members the n-word.

Of course there is no tape.

Sharpton is lying.

On Thursday of last week Andrew Breitbart at Big Government offered $10,000 to any of the reported victims for proof of a racial attack. So far no one has stepped forward.

There was no racist attack.
Heh -- and of course, this will be swept into the dustbin when November rolls around. Now on to our next manufactured crisis. The title comes from the story Silver Blaze featuring Sherlock Holmes talking with Gregory - a Scotland Yard detective:
Gregory: "Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?"
Holmes: "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time."
Gregory: "The dog did nothing in the night-time."
Holmes: "That was the curious incident."
Posted by DaveH at March 30, 2010 7:46 PM | TrackBack
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