April 4, 2010

Nailed it -- teabaggers

Opponents of the Tea Party (Taxed Enough Already) have been calling them teabaggers -- something entirely different. A sexual practice as defined by this entry in WikiPedia:
Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of a sexual partner. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion.
A perfect rebuttal can be found at Robert Wm. Gomez's Pages of Fun:
Teabagger / Teabaggee
I have never been in much for political protesting, rallies and the like. About the closest I have ever come to partaking in a political march was two-mile "fun run" in Wildlife Prairie Park back when I was 13 or so. These days, however, I find myself sympathizing quite a bit with the Tea Party movement. Although it is mostly a conservative and libertarian movement, the basic theme of limited government and fiscal responsibility is a constant, and they seem to be committed to calling out big government politicians on both sides of the aisle.

It pains me when I hear my more liberal friends and family members go off on the movement. This ranges from the lefty catch-all of calling anyone who disagrees with them a fascist, to pointing out the one less-than-moron in the crowd of thousands who decided to draw a Hitler mustache on a xerox of the president, to spewing the ever-so-clever insult, "Teabaggers!"

This morning, the news channels are all abuzz with stories about the seething cauldron... er, teapot of hate that is the Tea Party movement. These reports range from being overblown to being downright false. At the moment the movement needs as much support as it can get. So, in order to do my part (without actually having to leave my cave), I have put together this protest sign for you young Tea Party activists to bring to your next rally:
Really glad I wasn't drinking anything as I would now be cleaning off the monitor and keyboard as well as a substantial area of my desk... Hat tip to the E3 Gazette for the link. Posted by DaveH at April 4, 2010 7:07 PM | TrackBack
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