May 25, 2010

This is getting repetitive - another long day

Spent about 12 hours at the store today cleaning out the room and finishing the wiring -- the inspector comes tomorrow to bless my work and sign off on it. Meeting later that evening with a local guy to take over my work when I am out of town for the roadtrip to Memphis. Really looking forward to the conference. The last one I attended was held in Seattle and that was the summer before my Mom's health crashed and then my Dad passed away. Time to get back to my own life again... Running the store is a lot of fun but it is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. Planning on selling it (and the building) in a couple of years when we are out of the woods economically and businesses are stronger. I'll be posting a bit tonight but I need to get an early bedtime as tomorrow starts off at 7:00AM and I am very much a night person. Posted by DaveH at May 25, 2010 8:57 PM | TrackBack