December 17, 2011

Must read - testimony before Congress on Climate Change

I have not been aware of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher before but he certainly has the Right Stuff. Here are some excerpts from a speech he gave before Congress on December 8th, 2011. This is taken from Watts Up With That:
Congressman Rohrabacher�s speech on climate issues
Mr. Speaker, tonight, as a strong advocate of human progress through advancing mankind�s understanding of science and engineering, I rise to discuss a blatant abuse and misuse of science.

A few nights ago, I watched a video of President Eisenhower�s 1961 Farewell Address.

Unfortunately, his much heralded prescient warning of a military/industrial complex has obscured another warning in that farewell address that is just as significant:

Eisenhower pointed to the danger:
�of domination of the nation�s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present � and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.�
In my lifetime there�s been no greater example of this threat, which Ike warned us about, than the insidious coalition of research science and political largess, a coalition that has conducted an unrelenting crusade to convince the American People that their health and safety, and yes the very survival of our planet, is at risk due to man-made global warming. The purpose of this greatest of all propaganda campaigns is to enlist public support for, if not just acquiescence to, dramatic mandated change of our society, and to our way of life.

This campaign has such momentum and power that it is now a tangible threat to our freedom, and to our prosperity as a people. Ironically, as the crusade against Man-made Global Warming grows in power, more evidence surfaces every day that the scientific theory, on which the alarmists base their crusade, is totally bogus. The general public and decision makers for decades have been inundated with phony science, altered numbers, and outright fraud. This is the ultimate power grab in the name of saving the world. And like all fanatics, disagreement is not allowed.

Prominent scientists who have been skeptical with the claims of man-made Global Warming have themselves been cut from research grants, and obstructed when trying to publish peer reviewed dissenting opinions. How the mainstream media, or publications like the National Journal, have ignored this systematic oppression is beyond me.

If you�ve heard the words �case closed,� it doesn�t take a genius to figure out that the purpose of such a proclamation is limiting and repressing debate. Well, the case isn�t closed, so let�s start with some facts about the man-made global warming theory.
Much more at the site -- I have always been a little bit curious as why the United States doesn't have people like Daniel Hanan or Lord Monckton -- articulate defenders of science as she should be practiced. Congressman Rohrabacher proves himself to be their peer. He goes over Climategate and Climategate 2, mentions the increasing numbers of Polar Bears, the studies of solar variation and temperature (yes -- closely linked) as well as a couple of other outside editorials and papers he submits to the Congressional Record. It has been wonderful to see the wheels come off of the Anthropogenic Global Catastrophic Warming wagon over the last ten years or so. It was crappy Junk Science at the outset and it remains today nothing but Junk Science propagated by people following the Benjamins and not their ethics. Time to defund the EPA, start exploiting our 500 year reservoir of petroleum and pumping all of our money being wasted on this corrupt and false "green energy" chimera and putting it instead into technologies like LFTR and Polywell Fusors. We have the power and it is clean. Time to shake off the hippies and get down to what we do best, Science and Industry. Let us build great things and lift people out of poverty. Posted by DaveH at December 17, 2011 8:43 PM
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