March 29, 2012

Here it comes again - the sunspot that wouldn't die

Sunspot AR1429 gave us some wonderful Aurorae about two weeks ago. It is still around and set to show up on our face of the sun in a few days. From Anthony at Watts Up With That:
Potential for large solar flares and CME�s may be with us again soon
Readers may recall my reports on the CME�s from massive sunspot group 1429, seen below.

It seems the sunspot group continues to live, and has unleashed another massive Coronal Mass Ejection. It will rotate into Earth view again soon.

NASA�s Spaceweather writes:
ANOTHER CME FROM SUNSPOT AR1429: Transiting the farside of the sun, never-say-die sunspot AR1429 erupted during the late hours of March 26th, producing its 11th major CME. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) photographed the cloud flying over the sun�s eastern limb.
Variable star indeed! Posted by DaveH at March 29, 2012 5:00 PM
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