November 27, 2012

Words fail - progressive moral rot

The moral clarity of our betters in Europe -- from J. Christian Adams at PJ Media:
European Disintegration: Animal Prostitution
If you ever wondered what lies at the bottom of the slippery slope, go to Germany. There, you will find Europe’s modern moral and cultural bankruptcy on open display. There, you can visit one of many “erotic zoos” and partake in sex with animals for a price.

In a German “erotic zoo,” customers pay to have sex with farm animals. A barnyard pimp collects money from the customers. These businesses are proliferating throughout Germany and Denmark, and are completely legal.

The Telegraph gives us some background to the law’s “enlightened” legalization of bestiality:
Bestiality was legalised in Germany in 1969, the same year that gay sex was also removed from the criminal code. After that, sex with animals was only punishable if the animal was severely injured.
The current proposal would outlaw animal prostitution by banning the pimps at the erotic zoo. That’s right, pimps. The gatekeepers, literally, would be criminalized. If you collect cash from freaks looking for a lamb, it would be a crime for the first time since 1969.

Has Europe really fallen so far so fast?
Like I said -- words fail. When I was growing up, I was shown Europe as the shining city on the hill in terms of culture and ideas. My Dad took a year-long sabbatical in Turino, Italy in 1960 and we visited there several times after that. I saw the Science and the Art. I did not see the corruption and rot that lay at its core. Now I can see that and I see the same corruption and rot forming at the heart of this Nation that I love so dearly. We are but a few steps away from a degeneration, a moral slide from which we might not recover in my lifetime. I will not stand by though -- I love this place too much. Posted by DaveH at November 27, 2012 6:00 PM
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