November 18, 2003

Salmon runs in Northwest

Conference in Portland Oregon bq. Northwest salmon are returning in record numbers. On September 11th, 45,884 chinook set a one-day return record at Bonneville Dam. In the four days 11-14, half as many salmonids (230,000) came over that dam as crossed it in the entire 1995 season (460,000). What do records mean for future runs and conservation programs? bq. The public has been told and has come to expect that Northwest salmon are a "declining resource." But runs are not acting out a destiny of decline. Has salmon recovery come to pass? No one knows. But common sense suggests that record runs mean it's time to take stock of recovery programs and discuss new directions and possibilities. That's the purpose of this public service conference and forum. Posted by DaveH at November 18, 2003 2:03 PM