January 8, 2004

Measuring Liberal Bias In Academia

Found this link on the Mysanthropyst's web-site - they point to the Spartacus web-site and this story... bq. Thanks to the Federal Elections Commission's database of individual political contributions over $200, however, it is possible to fairly easily measure the distribution of staff and faculty political contributions at major universities. and more: bq. Professors and staff at the three big Ivy League universities (or the "Big 3") made a total of 455 individually reported political donations during the first nine months of 2003 for a total of $362,867. Fully 85% of the donations and 86% of the money went to Democratic candidates, party organizations or affiliated PACs, versus 11% of donations to Republicans accounting for 12% of the cash. (nonpartisan groups like occupational PACs (e.g. the American Hospital Association PAC with 3 donations) or ideologically neutral groups like the Human Rights Campaign PAC (1 donation) which split their donations between Republican and Democratic candidates accounted for 4% of the contributions and 2% of the funding.) The pie-chart that accompanies the entry makes it very very clear... Bias? We don't have no steenkin' bias. We are superior intellectuals. Posted by DaveH at January 8, 2004 7:49 PM