January 16, 2004

Palestinian people polled re: corruption

From AMAN - The Coalition for Accountability Integrity in Palestine comes the results of a poll. (Hat tip Shark Blog) The results of the poll are here - they surveyed a random sample of 1315 Palestinian adults, 18 years and older, from the Gaza Strip (494), and the West Bank including East Jerusalem (821). Margin of error, (±3%),. The Program of Statistical Package for Social Sciences “SPSS” was used in processing and analyzing the data bq. How seriously do you believe corruption affects different spheres of life in Palestine? Very significantly -- 56.6% bq. The political life Very significantly -- 67.5% bq. The culture and values in society Very significantly -- 65.0% bq. The business environment Very significantly -- 67.6% These people are not stupid. It is the leaders, the decrepit creations of the Soviet Communist Cold-War Machine that need to step down, enjoy their position as 8th wealthiest person in the world (paging Mr. Arafat) and let their citizens move from the 10th century to the present... Posted by DaveH at January 16, 2004 12:59 PM