February 18, 2004

Rant, wonderful wonderful rant...

From a new voice in the blogosphere: "democrats give conservatives indigestion" comes this rant bq. Would you like some surrender-monkey cheese with that whine? You know.... I’ve been reading news articles and reading peoples views on what is happening in this country for quite some time now. I've seen people stand up for the President and I've seen people trash him. There are those that want to do what is right for this country and those that want it torn down. bq. I'm not a scholar, or orator. I am just an ordinary person, so don't expect me to be quoting snotty authors or writing 8 letter words to get my point across. And one more taste: bq. I'm fed up with all the jello-spined, snotty, power hungry, more taxes, less freedom, less military, less security, anti-Democracy, Pro-communist, Pro-Affirmative Action, Anti-Get off your ass and live your own life, Pro-Welfare, Anti-Get off your ass and get a job, French/German/UN ass kissing, terrorist ass kissing, "Let's drag this country into the sewer", "9/11 needs to be forgotten", "Bush lied", "Bush is Hitler", "Bush is evil", bottom feeding, scum sucking, FREAKING LIBERAL MORONS!!!!!!!! It gets better - check out the whole site. Posted by DaveH at February 18, 2004 4:42 PM