March 1, 2004

Another voice on J. F. Kerry

Here is another voice decrying John Kerry's politicising his 'Vietnam Experience'. Hat tip to QandO for this link to Laura Bartholomew Armstrong: bq. I'm the daughter of Lt. Col. Roger J. "Black Bart" Bartholomew, a First Air Cavalry rocket artillery helicopter pilot who was killed in Vietnam on Thanksgiving Day 1968, when I was eight years old. I'm a former journalist with a military newspaper, a U.S. Marine widow, and I am appalled at Mr. Kerry's latest assertions that our president "has reopened the wounds of Vietnam." For months, I've heard President Bush talking about the present, while Mr. Kerry and the media want to focus on the past. I think we need to see the whole picture. And more: bq. Mr. Kerry has tried to distance himself from some anti-war activists and surround himself with veterans, yet his anti-military voting record speaks much louder and resonates with those of us who are affected by the results. I do not know who I am voting for - Bush is exactly the right person for foreign policy at this time but his domestic policies are not good. I do know that Kerry will not get my vote. Posted by DaveH at March 1, 2004 10:31 AM