March 31, 2004

Memo from Seargeant Mom

From Sgt. Strykers Daily Briefing (a wonderful Military family blog) comes Sgt. Mom's Memo: bq. From: Sgt. Mom To: Members of the American Moslem Community Re: Choosing Between Loyalties bq. 1. Let me make myself perfectly clear--- I do not intend to impugn the patriotism or the loyalty of those citizens of this country who happen to be of the Moslem faith, or to encourage the assumption that origination in certain foreign countries equates to an enemy alien. bq. 2. However, it has become abundantly clear over the previous 20 years that elements of that faith do not view America and all its’ works and all its’ ways with anything like favor. The mass-murder of 3,000 people in the streets of our own cities in a single day have made that manifest and unmistakable to all but the most deluded. bq. 3. It is also unmistakable that those who continue to plot the continued mass-murder of the citizenry of this country and others camouflage their intentions by hiding within the community of co-religionists. It is also clear that these jihadists are funded and encouraged by substantial elements, are offered shelter when needed, justification after the fact for atrocities of every sort--- and at the very least are enabled by the larger Moslem community, out of malice, solidarity or simply indifference. It goes on for another couple of paragraphs. The comments are worth reading as well... Posted by DaveH at March 31, 2004 11:59 PM