March 18, 2004

Teresa dissects a troll

Hat tip to BoingBoing for this link to a wonderful takedown of a troll's email... She opens up, sets the stage and then begins: bq. Then, yesterday morning, I found a perfectly loathsome letter in my mailbox from some guy I’ve never heard of before. He was taking exception to my use of the word idiot to describe A. A. Yngve. She starts quoting from the email and commenting: bq. email: I was sitting here wondering what business an editor at Tor has calling a writer, any writer, an “idiot.” bq. editor: I have the same business anyone else has, and I have no time for people who appoint me to strange roles in their rich inner fantasy lives. I’m not responsible for whatever it is I do in their dreams. And goes on: bq. email: It seems beneath you, both personally and professionally. bq. editor: None of my immediate reactions to that line are printable. An approximate and abbreviated translation would be, “And who the bleep are you?” And goes on - the post is a bit long to quote in its entirety but it is a great and wonderful fisking and has me almost rolling on the floor. I'm going to print this one out and save it. Posted by DaveH at March 18, 2004 9:40 AM