May 12, 2004

Other public beheadings...

Robert Hinkley at Semiskimmed reminds us of another beheading this year. Fabrizio Quattrocchi was murdered by his terrorist captors but instead of sitting quietly in the chair, he tried to rip off his hood, he stood up and shouted: "'now I'll show you how an Italian dies." According to the BBC article: bq. Al-Jazeera also said it had video footage of Mr Quattrocchi's death, but would not broadcast it, because it was "too gruesome". Yeah - gruesome... More likely, it didn't fit in with their plan to show Mr. Quattrocchi walking meekly to his death with them as the victors. He showed defiance and the PR value of this was nill for the Islamofascist terrorists... Posted by DaveH at May 12, 2004 7:26 PM