October 30, 2004

Kerry's war record

The fact that Kerry has continuously refused to sign the Form 180 to release his service records to the general public has caused some people to start digging and digging deeply... I had blogged about this specific issue a few times here, here, and here. A current roundup can be found at The Truth Laid Bear: bq. Kerry Discharge Story Leaking Like A Sieve I still can't vouch for or confirm any of this, so please treat this all as the purest form of Internet rumors. But here's what's being posted on FreeRepublic and elsewhere this morning:
I [DONALD L. NELSON, CAPT, JAGC, USNR] was on active duty as a U.S. Navy lawyer when all of this was going on some 25 to 30 years ago, and so was Mark F. Sullivan, who at all relevant times was the personal lawyer to J. William Middendorf, then the Secretary of the Navy. We remember.
We are trying to break this absolutely true story nationwide, i.e., Fox News, C Span, and hopefully all the major networks. We are positive that John Kerry was one of those dishonorably dismissed from the Navy for collaborating with the Viet Cong, after he was released from active duty but still in the Navy, and for a totally unauthorized trip to Hanoi. He later got an "honorable" separation in 1978, some 12 years after joining the Navy, under President Carter's "Amnesty Program" for draft dodgers, deserters, and other malcontents who fled to Canada and Holland, among other places, to avoid military service to our country.
This is why he has refused, and continues to refuse, to release all of his Navy records: they reflect that he was Dishonorably Dismissed from the United States Naval Service. If they do not (which they do), he would have released them to the public. Again, he has not done so, because he well knows that the truth would kill his challenge to President Bush.
Needless to say, to reiterate what N.Z. Bear said earlier: bq. I still can't vouch for or confirm any of this, so please treat this all as the purest form of Internet rumors. Posted by DaveH at October 30, 2004 10:08 PM