October 23, 2004

NeoCommunists and America

Geoffrey at Dog Snot Diaries is in an excellent mood today and delivers a fine rant on the current left and their thoughts on America and their plans for the future: bq. Liberals hate America. They really do. I don't mean they hate the land itself or the people, I mean they hate the concept of America. The liberals of today aren't even true liberals. They're closer to communists. In fact, they're the new communists of this millenium. NeoComs. bq. NeoComs love the nanny state. They think the citizenry is too stupid to think or take care of itself. Hanoi John is King of the NeoComs. You're too stupid to plan your own retirement. You're too stupid to get health care. You're too stupid to improve your lot in life. The government has to do it for you. NeoComs need the government to provide health care for everyone, and make the top earners pay for the dregs. bq. NeoComs hate freedom. They want to tell you what you can and can't see because you're too stupid to understand things. Obscenities on tv? Fine. Not a problem. Michael Moore's bloated lies on the big screen and in schools? Excellent! That's education. Stolen Honor or Swift Vet ads? No Way! Lawsuits are filed and threats are made. Freedom of Speech only applies to NeoComs, not the citizenry. bq. That carries over into their personal lives. NeoComs are violent. Extremely violent. They think it's justified. Carry a sign to a public Hanoi John NeoCom rally, you'll get punched in the face. That's almost guaranteed. To them it's justified. In their warped minds they are right, and anyone who is wrong should shut the fuck up. When they are denied entrance to private GOP rallies, they cry about the loss of their rights. They create conflict in hopes they get arrested and can publicize it. The man is keeping them down. bq. NeoComs believe the end justifies the means. If they have to pollute the elections to win, they will. They've already launched their legal eagles and given them instructions to make waves even if there were no wrong-doings. It doesn't matter to them. Perverting our system is fine, as long as they get the desired result. bq. NeoComs believe they were fucked by "the system". They spread that myth because their existence depends on it being believed. It's not a single mom's (with 4 kids and another on the way) fault she's flat broke. It's the system's. She was fucked by the system, and needs to collect what's owed to her. Don't worry, the NeoCom state will take care of her. Where will they get the money? From those that actually received an education, worked, and MADE something of themselves. The NeoComs love talking about the tax cuts for the wealthy. The wealthy received 95% of Bush's tax cut. No shit. They pay 98% of the taxes. Here's an idea, flat tax or put a tax on goods and services. You think the wealthy use 98% of the natinon's goods and services? Fuck no. You end of the month check collectors do. bq. The NeoCom Nanny State. Hanoi John gives you clothes, food, and healthcare. In return, he robs from the rich. He tells you what to watch, say, and think. Our fate and world involvement is decided by our enemy. We're responsible for passing the "Global Test". bq. This election is important. Check out Geoffrey's comments section too -- there is a NeoCom posting under the name Neo who bloviates and then gets taken down and Neo bloviates some more. Jen hit it on the head when she said that it's like watching a train wreck... Heh... Posted by DaveH at October 23, 2004 10:42 AM