November 4, 2004

Dear Mr. President

Blogger Kim DuToit writes an open letter to President Bush and offers some very good points: bq. Dear Mr. President, bq. Please allow me to offer a couple of suggestions as to what you might do for the next four years, with a Republican Congress, a popular mandate and the courage of your convictions, in no specific order. bq. 1. Appoint conservative, Constitutional constructionist judges to the federal courts, and to the Supreme Court. Ignore the Schumers, Leahys and Kennedys when they to play their obstructionist games, and tell the Republican Senators to play hardball. If necessary, feel free to kick that turd Arlen Specter in the balls on a daily basis if he looks like caving. He owes his re-election to you, and he should respond in kind by getting your appointees into office. I'll quote the rest of the leads -- visit his website for the paragraph that accompanies them as there is lots of good stuff to chew on: bq. 2. Privatize Social Security. bq. 3. Eliminate the income tax, the capital gains tax, the estate tax, and therefore the Internal Revenue Service in its current form. bq. 4. Withdraw from the United Nations. bq. 5. Deal with Iran, North Korea and Syria, and any other hostile nations (especially Muslim ones). bq. 6. Veto any legislation that even hints at some kind of gun control. bq. 7. Stay the course in Iraq. bq. 8. Start grooming your successor soon. Some of Kims readers have some good comments/additions to the list... Check it out. Posted by DaveH at November 4, 2004 5:31 PM