November 24, 2004

The largest BSOD on Earth

This is great - The Misanthropist links to an InfoWorld photo of a jumbotron in NYC experiencing -- shall we say -- technical difficulties... For the uninformed Luddites, whenever the recent versions of Windows irrevocably crash, they try to preserve as much information as possible and display that "last gasp" on the screen in plain text mode - white type on blue background. This is to help people who use this info to find out what caused the problem and to make sure it doesn't happen again. Unfortunately, most smaller software companies (including one whose stock ticker is MSFT) don't have the resources to adequately debug their code so the Blue Screen of Death happens to more people than Microsoft would like and more often too... Here is the pic:
From the Infoworld article: bq. "When I'm visiting New York, I tend to walk with my head down and take little notice of the giant screens flashing around me, but today, I noticed a sign in the distance that was unmistakeable: I was standing before the largest "blue screen of death" that I had ever seen at the corner of 42nd Street and 8th Ave. While most people experience the soul-crushing blue screen in the solitude of their homes or offices, I took part in a truly mass blue screen experience, and if you don't think that is particularly profound, tell that to the network guy who handed me his card on the street and asked if I would send him the photo [hi, Ramez]..." Posted by DaveH at November 24, 2004 11:17 PM