December 11, 2004

Dead Man Talking

bq. Ahmad Al-Jarallah, editor-in-chief of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassah recently wrote an editorial in support of President Bush's election victory and what it means for the Arab world. The following is the article: Thus leads off the intro paragraph of this article at MEMRI Major hat tip to B.C. at the Anti Idiotarian Rottweiler for the link. Here are some excerpts: bq. The World Has Changed, But Not the Arabs "The world and relations between different countries have changed beyond recognition. In some cases even the countries have changed and a new order is controlling the world. What's more the United Nations is no longer able to control the relations between different countries. All this is happening in the outside world while nothing has changed for the Arab World. We are still living in the past steeped in our age old traditions. Our traditions are the source of our concepts, however old. This has always led us to conflicts with the outside world invariably ending in defeat for us. Such defeats in turn draw us back from the path of development. If there is anything which we have to do urgently it is to correct and remedy this situation. bq. "We had to give such a lengthy prologue because the U.S. administration - which is responsible for the changes that are sweeping through the world - has started criticizing the Middle East. The United States, which is criticizing the regimes in the region and the living conditions of their people, has succeeded in its efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. This U.S. administration has the strong backing of its people, who recently re-elected President George W. Bush for four more years. I hope that Ahmad Al-Jarallah has an excellent security team backing him up because someone is going to get pissed enough to want to take him out (it's a multi-cultural "honor" matter so you liberals don't need to get involved with thinking about it -- keep moving, nothing to see...) Here is one more paragraph: bq. "Bush considers the January elections very important. If one hopes the US will withdraw from Iraq in the same way as it did from Lebanon and Somalia, we must say it won't happen. The only thing left for Arab regimes, which are out of tune with the rest of the world, is to understand that standing against the United States is no longer the right way to show their patriotism, especially since they are the real enemies of their people and countries. They must understand the American Administration supports their people, for their freedom and human rights. America -- Fuck Yeah! -- to quote a movie line. The issue is freedom, human rights and taking ones rightful place on the world stage. Posted by DaveH at December 11, 2004 8:25 PM