December 16, 2004

Wierd word website

Jen and I are both fond of the strange byways that the English Language has taken and like to explore some of the lesser tributaries. Here is a wonderful site to do just that: WEIRD WORDS SECTION INDEX bq. The word weird in this section is interpreted broadly to mean words that refer to obscure or outlandish subjects, are in themselves rare, or which look odd. bq. A to F Absquatulate Acronychal Acrophony Adipocere Albertopolis Alegar and beeregar Alexipharmic Analemmatic Anamorphosis Anfractuosity Ansible Antimacassar Apocope Arenaceous Astrobleme Ataraxy Atrabilious Austringer Autohagiography Balderdash Bankrupt Bant Barmecide Bathykolpian Bezoar Blackguard Blackmail Blatherskite Bloviate Blurb Bodacious Bodger Bonzer Boondoggle Borborygmus Boscage Boustrophedonic Brimborion Brobdingnagian Bromopnea Brummagem Bruxer Cachinnatory Cacography Cadastral Caitiff Callipygian Callithumpian Caltrop Cancrine Carphology Cataglottism Cataract Catoptromancy Cheat-bread Chiliastic Chrestomathy Clerihew Clinquant Cockamamie Codswallop Cohobation Collyrium Colophonian Contumely Copacetic Costard Costus Coulrophobia Cribellate Cruciverbalist Cyborg Cymbocephalic Dactylonomy Daft-days Deasil Deipnosophist Destrier Didgeridoo Discombobulate Donnybrook Dracontology Droogish Dumbledore Dwile flonking Edacious Eleemosynary Ell Emmet and grockle Empasm Engastrimyth Ergophobia Estovers Etaoin shrdlu Eyot Fantods Farb Fimbriated Financephalograph Flabbergasted Flibbertigibbet Floccinaucinihilipilification Florilegium Fogou Folderol Foudroyant Frigorific Funambulist Furbelow And yes, there is more! A bit of history -- when Jen and I were first running into each other (weeks before our first date) she used the word Penultimate correctly. I have been head over heels ever since... (grin) Posted by DaveH at December 16, 2004 10:48 PM