January 31, 2005

Car and Moose

From the wonderful SNOPES website (they do one popup but hey, someone has to keep the lights on...) And you thought running into a deer could be dangerous bq. MOOSE STORY (TRUE) The following pictures are of a moose that went through a car's windshield this month near South River, Ontario. The VERY lucky woman driver ended up with just a broken wrist and needing a good bath. bq. When you view the pictures you will wonder how the woman managed to survive. Point of entry:
Point of exit:
Happened May 2004... Going to have to slow down on the curves here, we have elk, deer and bear. The coyotes and cougar are too wary to be hit so we don't worry about them. Anything smaller just goes into the stewpot except for Spilogale gracilis which get left on the road and driven away from in a timely manner. Posted by DaveH at January 31, 2005 12:00 AM