February 20, 2005

A quick word on comments and trackbacks

There is a push from spammers to use Comments and Trackback Pings to get publicity for their PPC businesses. (Pills, Porn, Casino) The more web pages that reference a specific URL, the higher it will be displayed when searching for Te#as H*ldem P@ker on Google or Yahoo. There have been a few fairly successful techniques for dealing with this but this new version of MovableType -- and action from Google -- nips it in the bud entirely. When you post a comment here, it will not appear until I verify it. It will not be trackable by Google, it will not be visible to any search engine until I say that it is OK. This is a bit more work for me but the administrators panel for this is very nicely designed and with the ones I have gotten so far, it is a matter of a few mouseclicks to dump them into the bitbucket like the trash they are. The only thing the end user needs to know is that if you post a comment, it will not appear until I verify it. It _did_ get into the system, you just can't see it until I say so. Posted by DaveH at February 20, 2005 7:19 PM
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