March 21, 2005

Comment Spammers - DIE! DYING! DEAD!

Came home to find a nice round number of email notifications in my in-box. Starting this morning, I had 150 comment spams, about 95% for Porn and the remaining for Online Casinos. (These topics are frequently used giving rise to the acronym PPC -- Pills, Porn, Casinos) NOT ONE OF THESE steaming turds got posted to the blog. They were all held in purgatory awaiting my decision to post or delete. What is even more satisfying is that while in purgatory, they are held in a separate area of the server, locked away from any search engine. If the comment gets held for moderation, it is invisible until I say to post it. The whole justification*** for these little idiots to post this kind of crap has been removed -- nothing they do will work now. ***When Google and Yahoo crawls a website, it looks for links on that page to other pages. A given website that has lots of links referring to it gets ranked higher up the search page. If a Casino wants to tout Texas-Hold em poker and if it has 3,000 blog comments pointing to it, it will be ranked a lot higher than one with 10 posts so someone searching the web for Texas-Hold em Poker will find the one higher up on the page. MMMMBBBBWWWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Posted by DaveH at March 21, 2005 6:20 PM | TrackBack

Three rules for the spam game:

1) you can not win.
2) you can not draw.
3) you can not leave the play.


Antonio, from Malaga (Spain)

Posted by: Malaga at April 14, 2005 8:06 AM