A sample member of the Religion of Peace
Kevin Aylward
writing at Wizbang tells the story of the latest attempted Palestinian Suicide Bomber -- a 21 year old woman; a burn victim who was given a pass to enter Israel for medical treatment:
Palestinians Use Female Burn Victim As Suicide Bomber
Wafa al-Biss, the would-be suicide bomber asked reporters: "Do you think they'll forgive me?"
-- A badly burned Palestinian woman was alternately defiant and tearful Monday after Israeli soldiers caught her trying to enter Israel with 22 pounds of explosives hidden on her body.
The woman, who suffered serious burns on her hands, feet and neck in a kitchen explosion five months ago, had been granted permission to cross into Israel from the Gaza Strip for medical treatment when she raised the suspicion of soldiers at the Erez checkpoint.
Video released by the military showed 21-year-old Wafa al-Biss taking off articles of clothing on the orders of soldiers searching for explosives, and rubbing her disfigured neck with her burned hands and screaming.
The military said she tried to blow up the explosives Monday but failed and was not injured.
In an unusual move, Israel's security service allowed reporters to interview al-Biss just hours after her arrests. "My dream was to be a martyr," she said. "I believe in death."
And a bit more:
After an hour of interviews her story got more convoluted and confused. She changed her story often, and eventually declared that someone else had planted explosives in her underwear without her knowledge. "I did not intend to carry out an attack," she said.
As the interviews wound down and the seriousness of her situation became clear, she is reported to have told reporters, "I didn't kill anyone. Do you think they will forgive me? I hope they show me mercy. I didn't kill anyone."
Kevin also links to an
AP Video
The video mentions the womans burns but they make it sound as though she received them when the bomb failed to detonate and that she was being given medical care for them. The Washington Post article linked to above has the correct story. It also has a great comment:
Israeli military spokeswoman Maj. Sharon Feingold expressed outrage that Palestinian militants used a humanitarian case as a suicide bomber.
"These terror organizations are not only the enemies of the Israelis, but also of the Palestinian people themselves, who suffer as a result of this abuse of the young, the sick, the wounded," she said.
As Jen says -- they want a state? Let's give them one:
Posted by DaveH at June 20, 2005 10:37 PM