Eyes for Lies
Eyes for Lies is an interesting blog written by a woman who claims to be able to tell when anyone is lying. She backs this up with some fascinating posts. From her
About Me...
Being able to see lies is a peculiar thing. At first, I had no idea that I was unique. It was something I grew into over time. I slowly realized that what I can see - others cannot. It wasn't like I had a revelation one day that I was a human lie detector. For me, I slowly began to see I was exceptionally skilled at reading other people. Then the more the truth revealed itself, the more I realized I was onto something but I just didn't know how to describe it. I couldn't put my hand on the exact reason I was different. I just knew I was.
People have called me psychic trying to explain why I can see so much, but I knew that wasn't it. I knew what I saw was based on concrete, real things -- nothing magical but I just couldn't put my hands on it.
In a quest to further define myself, I started sharing my insight in advice forums on the web. I wanted to see how my advice compared to others. Each time I shared my insight, perfect strangers raved about it. Strangers started questioning if I was a professional counselor or a marriage therapist because I hit the nail on the head so often. I actually developed a following and people sought me out by name -- and waited for my advice. I frequented forums for over two years. This experience once again solidified that I had a unique talent and ability to understand people -- perfect strangers -- that was beyond average but I just couldn't explain why. Again
She links to
this article at MSNBC that talks about another person with this ability.
I remember hearing about some deaf people who were skilled at lip reading watching a political debate. They burst out laughing at several times although nothing funny was being said. When asked, they replied that the person speaking was lying and they could spot it plainly.
Posted by DaveH at June 19, 2005 3:50 PM