'I like tights - and very pointy shoes'Emphasis mine -- like I sad: "I want to hear these people perform" The rest of the article is a hoot -- these people are definitely having waaay too much fun. Here are two paragraphs describing their upcoming album:
Their clothes went out of fashion 500 years ago, but Circulus are playing some of the hippest venues in the country. Alexis Petridis meets Britain's number one medieval folk band.
On an overcast Tuesday afternoon, a commotion is taking place on the roof of a terraced house in south-east London. Circulus, a septet who can lay claim to being Britain's foremost medieval-influenced progressive psychedelic folk band, are having their photograph taken. This is proving to be a complicated and noisy process.
With its rauch pfeifers and crumhorns, psychedelic guitar solos, squealing vintage synthesisers and songs about pixies and burning scarecrows, Circulus' debut album, The Lick on the Tip of an Envelope Yet to Be Sent, is so far removed from anything else currently available, so blithely unconcerned with any contemporary notions of cool, that it makes for genuinely shocking listening.The band has a website at Circulus Posted by DaveH at June 18, 2005 10:03 PM
It is by turns preposterous, unsettling, tear-jerkingly beautiful and wonderfully refreshing: the one thing it is not is a concerted effort to storm the charts by sounding a bit like Coldplay or Franz Ferdinand, which may explain the flurry of critical excitement the band are currently generating. But it is merely the tip of the iceberg, the musical wing of a wilfully skewed world view that Tyack has been formulating since a visit to America in the late 80s, when homesickness led him to begin attending Elizabethan music concerts: "When I discovered Elizabethan music I was like, wow," he says. "It was exactly what I was pining for, some ancient culture. I didn't really want to hear any modern music at all. All I did was go to early music concerts and mix with early music boffins for about five years, discovering a whole world of ..." His voice trails off as he searches for the right phrase. "Something great," he decides, with a beatific grin.
So, when are we getting the cd?
Posted by: Jen Halliday at June 18, 2005 10:26 PM