Jen and I did not vote for Bush, we voted
against Kerry whom we considered to be a highly flawed candidate. One of the Democrats we talked about and wished was running was Senator Joe Biden from Delaware. He flirted briefly with a Presidential race earlier but dropped out.
He may be back -- from
ABC News/AP:
Biden Intends to Seek Presidency in 2008
Del. Sen. Joseph Biden Says He Intends to Run for President in 2008
Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., said Sunday he intends to run for president in 2008.
But Biden, who also sought the nomination in 1988, said he would give himself until the end of this year to determine if he really can raise enough money and attract enough support.
Going after the nomination "is a real possibility," he said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
"My intention, as I sit here now, is, as I've proceeded since last November as if I were going to run. I'm quite frankly going out, seeing whether I can gather the kind of support," Biden said.
The Republican Party clearly won the 2004 election but they are not doing that well these days and a strong Democratic candidate would attract both of our interests.
If this were a perfect world, everyone would be a rabid libertarian; self-reliant, take care of their friends and neighbors and have as small a government as possible (national defense, standardized highways, rail and utilities and a national research organization for big science and medicine). Alas...
Posted by DaveH at June 19, 2005 11:02 PM