One Question and One Answer
Our "Missile Defense System" is an expensive boondoggle that doesn't work and should be scrapped. Except that it is getting better and we need it.
Question: Do we need it?
China achieves ICBM ability to strike US
China has achieved intercontinental missile strike capability from land or from a submarine, enabling it for the first time to target parts of the US from the Chinese coast, a report said on Wednesday. China has had land-based capability for quite some time with the DF-31 missile.
About 10 days ago, it flight-tested a JT-2 missile—a submarine version of the DF-31—and it proved the same capability of hitting a target 6,000 miles away. The successful flight-testing of the submarine-launched missile, US officials said, marks a major advance in Beijing’s long-range nuclear programme.
The test—monitored by American intelligence agencies— "is a significant milestone in their effort to develop strategic weapons," a US official said. The JL-2 intercontinental missile was launched from a Chinese submarine near the Port of Qingdao and tracked to a desert impact point in western China several thousand miles away, the US said.
And the USA Missile Defense System is needed why?
And the Chinese Offensive Missile System is needed why?
There will be a quiz on Wednesday...
Posted by DaveH at June 23, 2005 10:34 PM