Satellite imagery of Zimbabwe
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Here is 2K worth of the current political situation in Zimbabwe under Mugabe from
The Prudent Investor:
PICTURE: Left shows a shantytown in Mbare south of Harare that is missing on the right picture. 2 million people are homeless in the middle of the African winter.
Also, a photo of Bobby Mugabe's $15M new crib:
And the caption:
The world must not remain quiet in the face of an unprecedented act of barbarism from an aging despot who builds himself a 110-room mansion for 15 millions US dollars at the same time this is happening. Half of the starving population of Zimbabwe depends on foreign aid.
A tip of the hat to
The Bearded Man has higher resolution imagery of the same area. Sickening.
Here are the two images there at low resolution -- you can visit TBM's site and see even more detail. These were homes that were bulldozed and burned by Mugabe and nobody in the 'Global Community' are raising their voices! Shades of Saddam and his Kurdish 'problem'
Posted by DaveH at June 26, 2005 9:58 PM