The benefuts of a Colldge Educashion
Kelly at
Suberban Blight writes about a letter her husband received:
My husband Pete is a dean at a small university in the Atlanta area. Today, he received the following from a student:
My name is xxxxxxx xxxxxx and I am in biology. The instructors name is xxxx xxxxxx. The reason I am righting you is for the fact that he is giving lechers for the whole 4 hours and not giving us tome to work in team time. The other reason is for the fact that he gives us things to study and from the lechers and says to study tem because a lot of the questions will be on the test but his lechers and study's do not have any thing to do with his tests. Not only this he is giving way to much home work there is no why that you can read 4 chapters from his class and 2 from a nether and 3 in a nether and retain information for the quiz and test to read that much week by week remembering that is difficult I am not the only one that thinks this why in the class and I would like it if you could do something about this for all of us I can get a potation whiten up for you if you would like.
Now, granted, Pete's university traditionally serves kids from backgrounds that can only be termed as economically challenged. These students haven't had the best educational foundation to start with...but the young man who wrote the above letter is, in a very short period of time, going to be walking around with a college degree.
Pete gets home and she adds an update:
Pete read this post, and takes exception. My husband says that this guy is highly unlikely to be walking around with a college degree any time in the near future, unless he pulls some miraculous "Flowers for Algernon" stunt out of his ass. "We don't just pass 'em through, hon," he told me. "He still has to pass English...and me..."
Amazing stuff -- they actually let this guy out of high-school and he made it through the college admissions process...
Posted by DaveH at June 8, 2005 10:10 PM