Aww Crap...
Via a private email, I found that Dr. Bob Moog is bedridden with a brain tumor.
There is a website where you can send him messages:
Bob Moog
You need to register to read other people's messages but you can leave one without registration.
Moog started out building Theremins (I have a recent one) and proceeded to build the first voltage controlled electronic music modules. This morphed into the first real-time performable music synthesizer. This guy started it all...
There was another person in Berkeley, Don Buchla who is still making synthesizers and also lays claim to the first voltage controlled system but he marketed his "music boxes" to the academic world as they were never real performance machines -- I worked with a large Buchla 200 series unit and whenever the air conditioner came on, the tuning would drift. Moog machines were (and still are) temperature and voltage corrected, well engineered and rock solid.

Moog is still in business --
Moogmusic sells Theremins, stand-alone modules with his signature filters and processors as well as the groundbreaking re-issue of the classic MiniMOOG, the Voyager
He and his family and friends are in my prayers.
Posted by DaveH at July 5, 2005 6:32 PM