Clueless Twit looses Job
Meet Mr. Bassam Khalaf pictured below. He is a "rap artist" in Houston, TX.
CNN/AP has his story and how he came to loose his day job:
When Bassam Khalaf raps, he's the Arabic Assassin. His unreleased CD, "Terror Alert," includes rhymes about flying a plane into a building and descriptions of himself as a "crazy, suicidal Arabic ... equipped with bombs."
Until last week, Khalaf also worked as a baggage screener at George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
"I've been screening your bags for the past six months, and you don't even know it," said Khalaf, who also said Thursday that he is not really a terrorist and that his rhymes are exaggerations meant to gain publicity.
From Mr. Khalaf:
Khalaf, 21, was hired on January 16 and fired July 7, according to a TSA termination letter that cited his "authorship of songs which applaud the efforts of the terrorists on September 11th, encourage and warn of future acts of terrorism by you, discuss at length and in grave and alarming detail various criminal acts you intend to commit, state your belief that the U.S. government should be overthrown, and finally warn that others will die on September 11, 2005."
Khalaf, who was born in Houston and is of Palestinian descent, said working as a baggage screener was the best paying job he's ever had. He said he hoped to use any extra money he earned to produce his CD.
And a bit more:
Khalaf said his terrorist-themed rhymes are more about marketing. He called his songs art and pointed to other rappers who have rhymed about terrorism. He specifically cites Eminem's song, "My Dad's Gone Crazy," which discusses blowing everything on the map up except Afghanistan and says: "There's no tower too high, no plane that I can't learn how to fly."
"Controversy sells," Khalaf said. "It brings a lot of attention. Everybody wants to label all Arabics terrorists just because a couple of people messed up. Well, I'm going to play along with that character. I'm going to let you think I'm one."
Marketing my ass. This moke is just plain misogynist and hate-filled, fully buying into the failed culture of Jihad and Hate that spews forth from the nether regions of pigs and dogs.
From the article: "working as a baggage screener was the best paying job he's ever had" -- gee, that has to be a high-paying job and the opening to a great career path.
Word up - learn to read and write proper English, loose the useless cultural baggage, get a good education and then stand back and be amazed at what you can earn if you are willing to work hard for it.
It's what makes America great -- you live here, be part of the team or get off the bus.
Posted by DaveH at July 15, 2005 10:56 PM