CTV Canada comes this story of a missing cotter pin:
Missing cotter pin blamed for B.C. ferry accident
A missing 3 cm cotter pin set off a chain of events that led to the grounding of a ferry at Horseshoe Bay in West Vancouver last week.
BC Ferries says a control arm connecting the engine speed control device to the engine fuel rack disconnected when a nut came off the attachment bolt.
The nut came off because an inexpensive cotter pin that is normally in place to hold it in place was missing.
The disconnection of the bolt allowed the propulsion system to over-speed. Protective devices known as "over-speed trips" then engaged, and led to the shutdown of the propulsion system.
The ferry was unable to slow down and crashed into the Sewell Marina, crushing 24 smaller vessels.

Somebody is going to be looking for a new job fairly soon...
Posted by DaveH at July 8, 2005 7:17 PM