Religion of Peace -- at it again
Islamofascist scum in London have set off several bombs this morning.
WikiNews has an
ongoing report here.
UPDATED: The WikiNews article has been moved - I updated the link.
CNN has
the timeline
Steve H. at
Hog on Ice has something to keep in mind:
What people need to remember is that there is no way to end terrorism. It will always be with us, not because our policies are wrong, but because terrorists enjoy killing, and it isn't possible or desirable to pacify all of them. All we can do is fight back and make them pay a heavy price. In the past, that has always discouraged terrorism, and appeasement has always increased it.
Keep the victims of this cowardly, pointless act in your prayers, and hope for the day when we see their attackers paraded before the cameras in handcuffs.
London has now harvested the result of Spain's appeasement.
Charles at LGF links to
Europhobia who is live-blogging this tragedy.
Where is General 'Black Jack' Pershing when we need him...
Posted by DaveH at July 7, 2005 10:23 AM