Separated at Birth
There was a story a few days ago about the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, a Ms. Catherine Baker Knoll. She showed up -- uninvited -- at the funeral for a Marine who was killed in Iraq and used the service as a sounding board for her anti-Iraq views.
Gerard Van Der Leun covers this with his usual thoughtfulness and succinct prose. He also offers up two photographs of Ms. Knoll:
Truth in Packaging
HERE'S THE OFFICIAL PORTRAIT of Catherine Baker Knoll, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania.

She's the weasel who "showed up uninvited at a Marine's funeral and voiced her anti-war views." Passed out her card too. Just so those in attendance would remember who not to vote for.
But was she really who she said she was? Perhaps it was another of "Karl Rove's Dirty Tricks."
Here's a photograph of someone purporting to be "Catherine Baker Knoll, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania."

Sheesh -- I can see using a flattering photo but please use a non-photoshopped
current one...
Posted by DaveH at July 28, 2005 11:44 PM