Texas Sees the Light -- SCOTUS Kelo Decision
Very Cool -- as soon as the Supreme Court of the US steps on it's nethers and issues the land-grabbing Kelo decision, a go-to state like Texas lays down a law.
Texas House Approves Amendment to Limit Eminent Domain
The state or local governments in Texas would be banned from seizing private property mainly for economic development under a proposed state constitutional amendment the House approved Tuesday.
The legislation is a response to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that municipalities have broad power to bulldoze homes to make room for shopping malls or other private development to generate tax money.
The House approved the proposed amendment 132-0.
If passed by the Senate, it would go before Texas voters in November.
"We need to make sure the protection is in the constitution for property owners," said Rep. Frank Corte, R-San Antonio, sponsor of the measure. "I think we have an opportunity to be proactive in protecting people's property."
If passed by the Senate - considering the House vote of 132 to ZERO, I think the Senate vote is a shoe-in. This is a wonderful nation -- sometimes things get messed up but then, the correction mechanisms step in (in this case, States Rights) and things get set right again.
Unnhhh -- SCOTUS -- was a vote of 132 to ZERO emphatic enough for you?
Posted by DaveH at July 13, 2005 11:51 PM