Turbo Tap
Interesting invention -- the
Turbo Tap
They claim that this allows you to pour a perfect pint in less time and with less foam.
From their website:
TurboTap’s groundbreaking, fluid-controlling draft beer technology is the product of a unique collaboration between fluid engineers and draft industry experts. We knew there had to be a better way to control and improve draft pouring.
Following initial design prototyping, core development work began in 2002. In late 2004 we formally launched a commercial model that easily could be installed at large scale venues and was capable of pouring perfect beer at up to four times the flow rate of conventional taps. Since then, the TurboTap has been an instant success, with stadiums, events and bars around the U.S. becoming TurboTapped.
This state-of-the-art, yet deceptively simple, piece of pouring technology delivers yield, speed, beer consistency and taste. Our competitors thought big. We thought smart.

Interesting. No direct sales, you lease this device which sort of rules it out for the home-brewer.
Hat tip to
Gizmodo for the link.
Posted by DaveH at July 20, 2005 12:08 PM