Typical of the species -- Moonbat
I normally don't spend too much time reading the rants of the left.
I will read a little to see if they might be bringing up something new and if they provide links to back themselves up. I also see if disproven tropes are being bandied about (Downing Street Memos, Bush TAG memos, who 'outed' Plame, Gitmo maltreatment, etc...)
When I read a
rant like this though, I am amazed at the quantity of warm spittle vomiting forth from this person's passions and the simultaneous lack of facts, proof, links to data, etc... that could go a long way to help his credibility.
The title and a few lines (the post is two run-on paragraphs with minimal sentence structure so it's hard to excerpt):
!!!WAKE UP!!!
Here we are in the Twentieth Century helplessly watching yet another Human Culture be "Oppressed" by a "White Suppremest Imperialistic Power". Who's country is the opposite of independant and who's Rich illustirous lifestile is nothing more than the "Spoils of War" A Nation that FORCES its POLITICAL GOALS upon another society through MILITARY POWER is called an Empire. And when its POLITICAL GOALS are RACIALY and FINANCIALLY motivated its called a "HATE CRIME" or WAR CRIME/CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY And don't be mistaken an EMPIRE is exactly what the United States intends to build. Expressing no COMPASHION FOR HUMANITY, CONCIENCE nor sense of WRONG or RIGHT the FACIST WHITE SUPPREMEST IMPERIALISTIC POWER known as the United States Government has yet again SLANDERED and OPPRESSED another HUMAN SOCIETY. Justifying 3000 American lives lost in a plane accident the United States Launched a 4 day bombardment of a heavily populated CIVILIAN area killing upwards of 100,000 inoccent people. Proving Once agian they will not only STEAL another cultures land but HUMILIATE and GENOCIDE their NATURAL WAY OF LIFE. Never in my life did i really think I would be so glad to live in the Great White North(THE GOOD SIDE OF THE BORDER) Now realalizing that only 195 years ago to this Canada Day that 10's of thousands of Canadians gave their lives to stop a MASS AMERICAN INVASION for the CIVIL RIGHTS and FREEDOM we have today. We Truely are free. To the South are 260 million Brainwashed Nazi Capitalists who will Point Certain Death in whatever direction their CORUPT GOVERNMENT points its twisted finger. How Quickly ANITITERRORISM turns to TERRORISM.
And he goes on, and on, and on, and on...
Posted by DaveH at July 4, 2005 9:03 PM