Spray leaves DNA evidence on burglarsThe company;s website is here: Redweb Security They are using a synthetic 'tagged' DNA that allows the PCR machines at forensics labs to detect vanishingly small samples off criminals hands and clothing. Another tool added to their kit-bag with little or no change to their infrastructure. Very cool! Posted by DaveH at July 25, 2005 11:41 PM
UK firm Redweb Security has developed an "i-powder" to be used against burglars. The biosyntethic substance carries a "uniquely-traceable DNA code" registered to the owner and can be mounted in the ceiling, door or on the wall. When projected onto the perpetrator, the i-powder sticks like glue to clothes and skin and cannot be removed for several weeks, making it far simpler to catch and convict intruders.
"The key feature of our technology is that it irrefutably identifies a criminal with the scene of the crime," explained Clive Smith. "Each device containing i-powder is registered either to its owner or a precise location, and the unique DNA code contained within the substance remains detectable for several weeks. In this way, RedWeb presents law enforcement agencies with a weight of forensic evidence to assist in securing a conviction."
A similar ink for fountain pens would rock.
"No, I did _NOT_ sign that, all the legal signatures I make have this in them..."