War of the Worlds
Jen and I saw this today. We were initially worried as some of the reviewers did not rate it very highly, they were giving it two stars and saying that the special effects were OK but there was no human story, just this guy trying to get to Boston with his kids and why did he have to make that journey.
What they failed to grasp was that what we see on the screen is the classical Hero's Journey -- Homer's Odyssey brought into the 21st Century complete with Scylla and Charybdis and Polyphemus.
Plus, the special effects seriously rock! They are not bombastic, they are subtle and if you are into CG, you will know what I mean and go Oooooooo... at the appropriate moments.
Finally, they were very faithful to the original Mercury Theater of the Air radio broadcast and the first (George Pal) movie.
It is intense -- see this one on the big screen.
Posted by DaveH at July 1, 2005 10:46 PM