Well dang it...
Discover a cool blog only to have
this be their most recent entry:
Taking a Break
As I’m sure you’ve already noticed, I’ve decided to take a little break from blogging. I’ve no idea just how long this hiatus will last, but I need to take some time to "untether" myself from the Net and tend to more important things (like spending time with the kids, getting some work done outside in the nursery, etc.). I’m sure I’ll get the urge to blog again at some point, but I’m content to give it a rest for now.
This is over at
Farmer Blog.
Their tagline says it all: "musings of an engineer turned farmer trying to live the simple life..."
Oh well, there is a year worth of archives to read through.
It is harvest time -- the busiest time for a farmer. I know we are crunched for time on our 30 acres...
And there is nothing that would persuade me to go back to computers professionally. I am launching a small local consulting business to bring in some extra $$$ but no more working full-time at MSFT anymore thanks -- I put in my time and am outta there.
Posted by DaveH at July 21, 2005 10:16 PM