With the news that some large tiles were observed falling from the shuttle during its launch, BoingBoing poses the question:
In light of recent NASA woes regarding the Shuttle program, and new questions about its future, some suggest a "WWBRD" sticker campaign:
What Would Burt Rutan Do?
One Boing Boing reader provides this interpretation.
(Thanks, Lisa Julie/Doug Humphrey)
And Velociman has a
rather pissed and pithy commentary on why the tiles are failing:
Yar, the shuttle fleet be grounded agin. Why? That pesky foam flying off at liftoff, damaging the orbiter, and all.
Let's back up. Why is the foam flying off? Because the original application method involved the use of Freon, that bastard gas, and the environmentalists pissed their trou over it. And so they took Freon out of the application process, and we ended up with seven incinerated astronauts over Tejas. And now we have another crew pissing their respective trou over their reentry.
Fucking madness. The introduction of Freon to the space program is miniscule. Bullshit. But we will slaughter astronauts like fatted calves, to appease the environmentalists.
On the other hand, true boys with the Right Stuff love it when the odds are skewed agin them. Anyone seen the odds on reentry at Tunica?
Thanks a lot people -- you "saved the planet" but are killing people one by one.
Anyone got any actual quantitative proof of Freon's damage?
-- crickets --
Posted by DaveH at July 29, 2005 10:30 PM