August 9, 2005

Biting the hand that feeds them

Noted foreign policy expert and sometime entertainer Mr. Jagger released his new opinions today. Matt Drudge has the report:
"You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite/ You call yourself a patriot. Well, I think your are full of sh*t!... How come you're so wrong, my sweet neo-con."

Ready to drop in the coming weeks, a new Bush-bashing tune from the ROLLING STONES: "Sweet Neo Con."

"It is direct," Mick Jagger says with a laugh to fresh editions of NEWSWEEK.

"Keith [Richards] said, 'It's not really metaphorical.' I think he's a bit worried because he lives in the U.S." Jagger explains. "But I don't."

The full lyric also mocks National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.

News about the song surfaced a few weeks ago with many expecting that it would not make the finally cut on the new CD, A BIGGER BANG.

Jagger once vowed not to comment on the political process in the United States.

"I feel very much at home in America. I've spent half my adult life here. I have many personal feelings. But I'm from the school that considers it impolite to comment on other people's elections. Now if I had the vote - and I should have, as I pay so much in taxes - I would have a lot to say."

Now with the elections long over, the tongue is unleashed!
Hey, don't let a small thing like ethics or morality stand in the way when there is money to be made. You have an excellent forum for making people wake up and think and you go and blow it on a cheap political tingle... Posted by DaveH at August 9, 2005 12:09 PM

I can't wait to get it and play it at work for the sweet neocons there.

Posted by: D Bowers at August 11, 2005 7:39 AM

And here I was thinking about getting their new cd when it hit the stores. Guess not.

Posted by: Jen Halliday at August 9, 2005 4:35 PM
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